Johar introduces Anjali through a f lashback technique From here on, little Anjali is on a journey to grant her mother's wish of reuniting her father, Rahul with his old best friend Anjali. Next, we are introduced to their daughter, Anjali Khanna and her energetic andīright personality brightens the story. Start of the roller coaster ride, and I believe Johar succeeds in captivating theĪudience by starting with a death of close family member which audiences worldwide can relate to. He quickly grasps the attention of his audience by introducing Rahul's personal loss, as Tina dies after childbirth. Malhotra as they get married and have a child. Starts the film off with a glimpse of happiness from the two main characters, Rahul Khanna and Tina KKHH is about a love triangleīetween friends that includes a personal loss and a rekindling first love. Indeed, Karan Johar's choice of events makes KKHH seem like a roller coaster ride filled with surprises, funny dance numbers and romance. As Laura Dooley explains in her blog, “by watching a Joharįilm, you … experience an emotional roller-coaster ride, yet youĪre always eager to take the ride again" (1). Struggles that audiences could relate to while keeping it entertaining and comical. Johar’s novel approach in KKHH was to focus on common life Portraying love stories of common folk, they focused on the relationships between Therefore, instead of relating to the masses by
They shifted the focus from family problems and tradition to artificial problems that would attract high income and overseas audiences. The 1990s, focused on improving the story’s plot, especially those that These films were able to keep record of Indian tradition while targeting and teaching audiences about common family problems. Before the 1990s, Hindi films focused on raising awareness of family problems andĮmphasizing on the diversity of Indian culture and religion (Malhotra 21). The word "Bollywood" according to film scholar, Ronald Bergan derived from combining Bombay (the old name for Mumbai, the capital